Insight Mining
Just when you think you have that elusive golden nugget, it can, all too often, turn out to be just a piece of data unlikely to spark off a decent strategy or creative brief.
In answer to this notorious challenge, we've created a series of tools that help us ask the right questions to get the answers, and all in a cost effective and time efficient way.
How it's done
We may need to dive deep into your existing research to make sure the insights aren't already there, or conduct desk research, or look at existing information such as audit data or TGI. Sometimes we'll identify the need to do primary consumer research, other times it may just be about speaking to agency staff, the client or opinion-leaders in the market.
The insights are always there; it just takes the right approach to discover them and gain a fresh perspective on your market, customer or brand.
Fast-track immersion
Many agencies, from time to time, find themselves working on a pitch in a category they're completely new to. In answer to this, we've developed an immersion service that will give you everything you need to know about a particular category, in just two days. The investment pays for itself because it means your creatives can spend valuable time cracking on with ideas that will fit, rather than exploring dead-ends.